Programming & Application development

Progressive Web Apps

  • React / Redux
  • Vue
  • Typescript
  • Symfony
  • Express

Website and Software quality

  • SOLID principles
  • Web Accessibility
  • Performances and optimization
  • User Interface Design
  • User Experience Design
  • Figma
  • Search Engine Optimization

Game engines & Other software platforms

  • Unity (3D / VR)
  • Godot 4 (2D / 3D)
  • .NET C#
  • Electron

Mobile development

  • Flutter
  • Android Studio (Java)

Artistic practices

3D Modelling & Animation

  • Blender
  • Ray-tracing based renders
  • Stylized
  • Rigging & Animation

Editing and publishing

  • Serif Affinity Suite
  • Photo Editing
  • Vector-based art
  • Layout and composition
  • Print and digital publishing
  • Photography
  • BlackMagick DaVinci Resolve
  • Video editing

Sound and music composition

  • Ableton Live 11
  • Music composition
  • Fairlight
  • Audio editing

Non-technical / Soft skills


  • Popularization of complex concepts
  • Wide variety of platforms and tools experienced
  • Problem solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Long-term driven decisions

Project management

  • Scrumban/Agile and iterative development
  • Technology watch
  • Team work

Professional communication

  • French
  • English
  • Professional writing
  • Public speaking
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